Thursday, November 17, 2005

Our First Clean-Up Day

On Friday, November 4th, I took my 10th Grade English class out into the community to do something to help clean-up Newtown Creek.

You can see all the trash in the streets that's draining into the creek and polluting it.

Jorge and Eric worked hard to mark each drain so we could go back and spray paint them later with a message warning people not to dump trash.

We hung posters

And picked up trash.

One group of students spent some time educating the public.

The best part of the day was when Joe talked to a priest. We were all laughing, because Joe is probably one of the biggest sinners we have in class.

It was a really fun day! By the end of it, we all felt like we'd done something good for the neighborhood. We even identified two spots that might become our future community garden. I can't wait for the spring so we can plant something green!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Jeff and Mom

Jeff and Mom
Originally uploaded by msjones166.
This weekend I went to a wedding in Michigan. My cousin, Lauren, married a firefighter.

This is a picture of my mom and my younger brother, Jeff. They had a great time at the wedding!